so_damn_insane's Journal
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Monday, May 7th, 2007

    Time Event
    Dilbert: "90% of happiness is picking the right ethicist"
    grūti būt vācietei
    Ohne Kleider ohne Schuh
    Siehst du mir bei der Arbeit zu.

    Mit den Füßen im Zement
    Verschönerst du das Fundament.

    Draußen wird ein Garten sein
    Und niemand hört dich schreien.

    stein um stein - dziesma par nekustamo īpašumu attīstīšanu (ar tulkojumu)

    Alle Nägel stehen stramm
    Wenn ich sie in dein Leibholz Ramm

    Current Music: rammstein
    In aesthetics, the sublime (from the Latin sublimis (under the lintel, high, exalted)) is the quality of transcendent greatness, whether physical, moral, intellectual, metaphysical or artistic. The term especially refers to a greatness with which nothing else can be compared and which is beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement or imitation. This greatness is often used when referring to nature and its vastness.

    Current Mood: episks

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