so_damn_insane's Journal
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Monday, December 11th, 2006

    Time Event
    "This it is, which induces every amphitryon to receive his guests well, and also excites the gratitude of the latter when they see themselves well taken care of: here is the place to reprobate those stupid masticators, who with the most guilty indifference to the greatest luxuries, and who with sacrilegious indifference inhale the odorous perfume of nectar."

    The physiology of taste

    Man šķiet, es pat fiziski izbaudu, kā šāds teksts plūst caur manām smadzenēm, nogludinot un strukturējot apjukušās domas. Šobrīd man jāveido ātrais labojums, bet vakarā es dzeršu svaigi spiestu apelsīnu sulu kopā ar skaistu sievieti. Galvenais ir apzināties, kas dzīvē ir svarīgs.

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