Paparazzi! by Jessica Dimmock
Paparazzi! explores the ghoulish fascination with images of celebrities
and looks at the hunter/prey relationship between photographer and
hollywood star.
As newspapers across the country go under and editorial
magazines grow thinner, celebrity magazines are amongst the few forms
of print media making any profit.
Thus the story of the paparazzi also
tells the story of the current state of American culture.
The modern paparazzi - young, male, aggressive, often foreign - must go
to increasingly dramatic lengths to get their images.
High speed car
chases, trespassing, tipping informants and secret alliances are all
regular parts of the business.

Paparazzi clamor for a shot of Jessia Simpson as she comes out of the restaurant Madeo in Los Angeles, Calif.

Carlos chases a car to Jennifer Lopez's house that
he believes contains Katie Holmes in Los Angeles, Calif.
He looks over
the gate to see if he can shoot into the property.
Although this is
illegal, paparazzi will sometimes do this if they feel the shot will
sell for more than a lawsuit.

Carlos eats food deliverd from a girlfriend of a
friend who drives to all the paparazzi spots to sell food,
since they
cannot leave if waiting for a celebrity in Los Angeles, Calif.

Carlos and his partner argue about losing Katie Holmes in a car chase in Los Angeles, Calif.

Paparazzi attempt to shoot Leonardo Di Caprio as he leaves Club Villa on his birthday in Los Angeles, Calif.

Andy checks to see which of his photos have run in recent celebrity magazines ion Los Angeles, Calif.

Swarms of paparazzi gather around the Kaballah Center waiting for Madonna to come out in Hollywood, Calif.

Several long time paparazzi have a drink during happy hour before heading out to shoot for the night in Los Angeles, Calif.

Andy watches TV after a 12 hour day of shooting, in which he made nearly $5000 in Los Angeles, Calif.
VII photo agency