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Nov. 7th, 2004|07:55 pm

tu viņu vispār kādā valodā skatījies? tu tak ir simts un viena asprātība.da kaut vai:
Max : Hey! Hey, he fell on the cab! I think he's dead.
Vincent : Good guess.
Max : You... you killed him?
Vincent : No, I shot him. The bullets and the fall killed him.

Vincent : Lets go.
Max : Hey, why don't you just take the cab?
Vincent : Take the cab?
Max : Yeah, you take it. I'll - I'll chill. I'll - I'll just chill. They don't even know who's driving these things half the time anyway. They never check or anything. Okay... so... just - just take it. You, me...
Vincent : You promise not to tell anybody right?
Max : Yeah... yeah... yeah... promise.
Vincent : Get in the fucking car.

aizej uz imdb, paskaties memorable quotes.
Lai gan, protams, tas tak nav Silvermens

runājot par darbu - seriously, es domāju ka tev nevajadzētu viņu pieminēt at all, ar smailijiem bez smailijiem, whatever, just neatgādini citiem par to. Un pat tematu - so es runājos ar džeku kurš strādā S kaut kādus 35 gadus. So what?
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