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The Condemned (2006) Jul. 20th, 2006|04:37 pm

Plot Outline: An adrenalin-charged action thriller, "The Condemned" tells the story of Joe Conrad (Stone Cold Steve Austin), who is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.

Nē, nu man jau arī ""Manhunt" likās kā tīri ekranizējama spēle, bet nu rādās ka ne man vienam. Sižeta infantīlismam pretīm stājas Ledus Aukstais Stīvs Ostins no WWE. Gaidam, štoļi?
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