small_miracle's Journal
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

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    You guys you guys
    You guys you guys. My beloved hobo-chan is going to be so far away from me. I don't even know what I will do. All joy will and light will be sucked from my world when she steps on to that plane.This Leanne Rimmes song pretty much sums it up. In fact, that whole video is accurate, because baby you are the Liv Hookerface to my Viggo McManlypants.laserdragon: (>T^T)>achtun_baby: <(ToT<)ETA: I wish I could quit you, PW kink meme. Except there is actually lots of decent stuff being written and I have been wring all day for like five days and I am kind of amazed at the amount it doesn't suck (sometimes) and I want my life back.

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