
slepenaamaasa - February 3rd, 2014
February 3rd, 2014
- Dienas citāts
- 2/3/14 12:30 am
- "It just goes to show how judgmental society is in terms of sex these days. If you are not having any, you are a prude. If you are having too much, you are a whore. If you are doing it black and white missionary style you are boring. If you are doing it anywhere but the bed, you are trashy. You can't win, really you can't. Unless you are doing exactly the same thing as the person you are talking too, they are probably going to have a judgement about it.
Have you ever accidentally taken the label off of a tin can, and then had no idea what was inside of it? You can't put a label on something when you don't know what is inside. Why then, does society feel like they are allowed to put labels on people, when they have no idea what is inside of them?"
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