Skruljaina puikas - February 12th, 2003 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Skruljaina puikas

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February 12th, 2003

......cilveki ir lohi....... [Feb. 12th, 2003|04:30 pm]
Cilveki ir butnes ko izmanto, lieto ka veelas! Pasaule ir lozeri, kuri laujas, lai tos izmato, bet nah atrodas cilveki, kuri (maukas, kunjas, gaili)izmanto citus. :(
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.......... laba drauga saraktiits teksts......... [Feb. 12th, 2003|08:12 pm]
I'ev been shot down
and the bullets in my heart
and It's piercing trutgs my soul,
but still it is worth thet sacerfice
and can tell it by a look in your eyes....

But it dosan't matter
couz we only live tvice
and the firste is ment to be a mistake...
and the mistake has name - you
and our love which is ment to die!!!
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