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Wednesday, December 25th, 2013

    Time Event
    Men Seem Men so Suddenly
    The Truce of Christmas
    by G. K. Chesterton

    Passionate peace is in the sky—
    And in the snow in silver sealed
    The beasts are perfect in the field,
    And men seem men so suddenly—
    (But take ten swords and ten times ten
    And blow the bugle in praising men;
    For we are for all men under the sun,
    And they are against us every one;
    And misers haggle and madmen clutch,
    And there is peril in praising much.
    And we have the terrible tongues uncurled
    That praise the world to the sons of the world.)

    The idle humble hill and wood
    Are bowed upon the sacred birth,
    And for one little hour the earth
    Is lazy with the love of good—
    (But ready are you, and ready am I,
    If the battle blow and the guns go by;
    For we are for all men under the sun,
    And they are against us every one;
    And the men that hate herd all together,
    To pride and gold, and the great white feather
    And the thing is graven in star and stone
    That the men who love are all alone.)

    Hunger is hard and time is tough,
    But bless the beggars and kiss the kings,
    For hope has broken the heart of things,
    And nothing was ever praised enough.
    (But bold the shield for a sudden swing
    And point the sword when you praise a thing,
    For we are for all men under the sun,
    And they are against us every one;
    And mime and merchant, thane and thrall
    Hate us because we love them all;
    Only till Christmastide go by
    Passionate peace is in the sky.)
    The Charter
    A Christmas Song for Three Guilds
    by G. K. Chesterton



    St. Joseph to the Carpenters said on a Christmas Day:
    "The master shall have patience and the prentice shall obey;
    And your word unto your women shall be nowise hard or wild:
    For the sake of me, your master, who have worshipped Wife and Child.
    But softly you shall frame the fence, and softly carve the door,
    And softly plane the table—as to spread it for the poor,
    And all your thoughts be soft and white as the wood of the white tree.
    But if they tear the Charter, Jet the tocsin speak for me!
    Let the wooden sign above your shop be prouder to be scarred
    Than the lion-shield of Lancelot that hung at Joyous Garde."


    St. Crispin to the shoemakers said on a Christmastide:
    "Who fashions at another's feet will get no good of pride.
    They were bleeding on the Mountain, the feet that brought good news,
    The latchet of whose shoes we were not worthy to unloose.
    See that your feet offend not, nor lightly lift your head,
    Tread softly on the sunlit roads the bright dust of the dead.
    Let your own feet be shod with peace; be lowly all your lives.
    But if they touch the Charter, ye shall nail it with your knives.
    And the bill-blades of the commons drive in all as dense array
    As once a crash of arrows came, upon St. Crispin's Day."


    St. Luke unto the painters on Christmas Day he said:
    "See that the robes are white you dare to dip in gold and red;
    For only gold the kings can give, and only blood the saints;
    And his high task grows perilous that mixes them in paints.
    Keep you the ancient order; follow the men that knew
    The labyrinth of black and whits, the maze of green and blue;
    Paint mighty things, paint paltry things, paint silly things or sweet.
    But if men break the Charter, you may slay them in the street.
    And if you paint one post for them, then ... but you know it well,
    You paint a harlot's face to drag all heroes down to hell."


    Almighty God to all mankind on Christmas Day said He:
    "I rent you from the old red hills and, rending, made you free.
    There was charter, there was challenge; in a blast of breath I gave;
    You can be all things other; you cannot be a slave.
    You shall be tired and tolerant of fancies as they fade,
    But if men doubt the Charter, ye shall call on the Crusade—
    Trumpet and torch and catapult, cannon and bow and blade,
    Because it was My challenge to all the things I made."

    Merry Christmas to you all, and remember that today is the day in the calendar that proclaims that all human beings are so to be loved that it would be fitting for even God to live and die to save them, if that be the price.

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