Dzīve ir skaista - Dazhreiz -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[20 Apr 2004|06:44pm]
[ mood | Superiigs ]

Ir reizes, kad viss sagriezhas kaajaam gaisaa un viss kljuust tik viegli panaakams un sasniedzams, dziive kljuust skaistaaka, koshaaka, briinishkjiigaaka........:)))))) Ceru ka atlikushajaas divas nedeeljas Latvijaa nekas nemainiisies un viss liksies burviigi :):):)

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[20 Apr 2004|06:50pm]
Today I smiled, and all at once
Things didn't look so bad.
Today I shared with someone else,
A little bit of hope I had.
Today I sang a little song,
And felt my heart grow light.
I walked a happy little mile,
With not a cloud in sight.
Today I worked with what I had,
And longed for nothing more,
And what had seemed like only weeds,
Were flowers at my door.
Today I loved a little more,
And complained a little less.
And in the giving of myself,
I forgot my weariness.
- Author Unknown
Smile! It just feels good!
If you have a smile, share it!
If you need a smile, use one of these!
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[ viewing | April 20th, 2004 ]
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