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[08 Nov 2003|12:15am]
Conclusion: normal people that drop LSD remain normal people, people with schizophrenic tendencies or other psychological disorders get more fucked up.
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[08 Nov 2003|03:44pm]
kura ir pati krutaakaa vieta uz zemes? NYC? Las Vegas? Londona? Pariize?

Floridas pludmales ir pareizaa atbilde
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pizgjec!! [08 Nov 2003|04:39pm]
[ mood | anaali jaats ]

KAUTKAS UNIKAALS! INTERESEAS PEEC NOVILKU DJ BRAIN - mixedthefuckup.mp3 un ko domaajies? vinja fakinajaa 1h mixaa ir 4 manas plates, kuras neatkatiigi, bez jebkaadas influences iegaadaajos veel dziivojot US + veel kaadi 3 mani most feivoriti. Biju jau maniijis, ka tam cilveekam ir liidziiga stila izjuuta, bet nu bljagj, shitais mani reaali izpisa.

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[ viewing | November 8th, 2003 ]
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