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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) [12 Dec 2011|10:32am]
[ mood | * ]

- What has happened to you? How did you turn out this way? You know everything about me. I don't know shit about you. Not a damn thing.
- That's the way it is.

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All Good Things (2010) [11 Dec 2011|10:38am]
[ mood | * * ]

I've never been closer to anyone, and I don't know you at all.

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[06 Dec 2011|10:47am]


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Fallen Angels (1995) [05 Dec 2011|10:43am]
[ mood | * * * * ]

They say that love can change a man. I start to find myself looking better and more charming, and suddenly I discover that I'm turning blonde.

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satraukums [04 Dec 2011|04:08am]
[ music | Mac Lethal "Happy to Be Living" ]

ev, bet nopietni.. cik Latvijaa maksaa maize un piens?

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Priceless (2006) [02 Dec 2011|02:23pm]
[ mood | * * * * ]

I love Italian food. You don't expect much, so you can never be disappointed.

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Как я провёл этим летом (2010) [01 Dec 2011|02:07am]
[ mood | * * * . ]

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Saņēmu sūtījumu no Latvijas.. [29 Nov 2011|07:12pm]

Detailed description of contents:
Mīlestība, Latvijas spēks, rūgtums un maigums

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Dreamland (2006) [29 Nov 2011|06:15am]
[ mood | * * * * ]

Photek - Hello World

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[28 Nov 2011|11:32pm]
[ music | lounge ]

pirmdienu vakari būu paši ekselentākie, ja būtu kāds ar ko baudīt kokteiļus, kurus garlaicības mākts radu visa vakara garumā..

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Whale Rider (2002) [28 Nov 2011|12:45am]
[ mood | * * ]

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Drive (2011) [27 Nov 2011|11:45pm]
[ mood | * * * ]
[ music | Kavinsky & Lovefoxxx - Nightcall ]

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[23 Nov 2011|03:13pm]

vakar sagaršojos Suntory viskijus.. un protams vēlu naktī pārnākot bijj jāvēlk un jāskatās Lost In Translation..

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time..

lai arī kopš studiju gadiem turos no viskijiem pa gabalu, šie te divi ir patiesi baudāmi.

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[23 Nov 2011|02:26am]

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[19 Nov 2011|03:19am]
[ music | Jennifer Lopez: "I'm Into You" ]

..nav ne mazākās nojausmas, cik daudz ir jāizdzer, lai mani sāktu salīdzināt ar Tomu Krūzu..

un tik saldi ir nelikties ne zinis un izlikties bezpalīdzīgam, kad darbā notiek kādas problēmas ar datoriem..

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[18 Nov 2011|01:02pm]

..nu tad par Svētku sajūtu!

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[17 Nov 2011|01:04am]

Jaunā Versace for H&M kolekcija izskatās āwsamm vismaz plakātos un skatlogos..
un ticiet vai ne, bet bariņš dīkdieņu jau apmetušies uz dzīvi pie H&M veikaliem..

man lūdzu vienus šortus un blondu meiteni, ko ieģērbt kniežainos svārkos..

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[17 Nov 2011|01:02am]

vakar bijj pazudusi elektrība mājās... tik labi..
nebij jāslēdz dators iekšā.. un pietika laiks sadarīt visādas lietas un palasīt visko..

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The Rum Diary (2011) [15 Nov 2011|01:22am]
[ mood | * * * . ]

Lotterman: How does anyone drink 161 miniatures?
Paul Kemp: Are they not complimentary?

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Late Night Shopping (2001) [13 Nov 2011|04:06am]

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