..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[03 Mar 2011|02:20am]
bāc.. nesaprotu ko Sandra Zvīgule dara kanādas hipsteru filmā!
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[03 Mar 2011|02:27am]

How are we gonna get there?
Saddle up a cat?

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Les Amours Imaginaires (2010) [03 Mar 2011|01:53pm]
[ mood | 4! ]

It's not even about sex.
I don't care about sex.
That's not the main thing.
What's important is to wake up with someone.
To spoon with that person.
That's what matters, the spoon.
Knowing that if a bad guy comes, someone's there.
That's a metaphor. Bad guys never come.
You wake up with the wind, a warm belly, the one who loves you breathing against your shoulder.
That's it, the spoon.

bang bang

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[ viewing | March 3rd, 2011 ]
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