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Krupis [01 Mar 2010|12:49pm]

Redzokļi horizontāli. Pārvietojas soļiem. Tēviņš parasti mazāks, nārsta laikā atšķiras no mātītes ar tumšbrūnām dzimumtulznām priekškāju iekšpusē. Tēviņš nārsta laikā dzied, taču klusi un neizteiksmīgi;
Teikas, ka krupji dzerot pienu un pat zīžot govs pupu, neatbilst patiesībai. Arī zemenes krupji neēd..

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from interview with John Waters.. [01 Mar 2010|08:19pm]
[ music | Lady Jessica And Sam - Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions ]

-I can’t stand television. One relationship almost ended because of it. I can’t stand having a television on in my house. I don’t care if I’m wildly in love. If they watch television, it’s a deal breaker. I’ll make them wear earphones.

-You don’t have TV?

-I do. You need to for porn. And for when we’re at war, when war breaks out. When we’re bombing Iraq you have to watch. In fact I have televisions all over my house and all my artwork is taken from TV screens. But I never have it on just to watch it. I like to read. I’m not saying that to be elitist. I read. People are always asking me how I have so much time to read because I get one hundred magazines a month and I’m always buying books. I say you have to make a choice: you have to be single and you can’t watch television. And I made that choice.

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