..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[20 May 2007|09:10pm]
[ mood | àh ]
[ music | Four Tet ]

izcilàkais velobrauciens šogad! :D:D tà arì palikàm Balto kàpu neredzèjuši! jo vells viñ zin kà lìdz tai nokljùt.. bet lai vai kà.. the journey is more important as the end or the start.. , )

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[20 May 2007|10:35pm]
[ mood | patìkami vèss ]

no galvassàpèm var atbrìvoties: izslèdzot mùziku, iekàpjot remdenà vannà un lènàm sùcot ledusaukstu mojito.. ìzì! :) ..ak jà.. nu vèl pàris citramona tabletes.. :D

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[ viewing | May 20th, 2007 ]
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