..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[27 Apr 2007|01:18am]
ahh kàds vakars.. nevar pat aiziet gulèt.. galvà diskotèka!! :)) i love the way you move..
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[27 Apr 2007|12:53pm]

..ceru ka šodien būs daudz un nebūs nekā par daudz.. :)

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[27 Apr 2007|02:04pm]

..jā.. kā reiz teica racoon ... ar kōlu var pat Hennesy izdzert.. :D

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[27 Apr 2007|03:14pm]

..heh.. izrādās darbadiena jau beigusies pirms 15 min.. :D

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[ viewing | April 27th, 2007 ]
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