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Make yourself more attractive to others [19 Mar 2007|09:37am]
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Do you know redundant body kilograms kill more and more people around the planet? We believe you hate the unattractive look of people like those and the low status they have in modern society. Moreover, you’ve not the will to withstand a siege of your terrible eating habits.

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[19 Mar 2007|04:16pm]

..šodiena tāda saraustīta.. vējš laikam..

un noskaņa tāda kā šaj dziesmā - spocīga.. un vēl visādi citāda..

Stars - Liar

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[19 Mar 2007|06:00pm]
..nu, lai arī būtu, pavasaris! )

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[ viewing | March 19th, 2007 ]
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