..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Low five [15 Feb 2007|10:29am]

I half expect to find myself
In full control of nothing else
Lost hope but learnt to hopeless
Nothing comes to mind
I want higher
But nothing comes to mind

luv colette [15 Feb 2007|10:49am]
[ music | klaxons - gravity's rainbow ]

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[15 Feb 2007|07:19pm]
nu ko.. èdam pankùkas ar ikriem un dzeram ledusaukstu vodku..? ;)
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[15 Feb 2007|09:35pm]
nu labi.. kà jau tas pienàkas.. atvainojos visiem, kam tieši vai netieši esmu pàri nodarìjis.. (mìlu takš gandrìz vai Jùs visus)
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[ viewing | February 15th, 2007 ]
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