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wake from your sleep.. [27 Dec 2006|11:39am]

Released: June 1997
Found on: OK Computer

While on tour with Alanis Morissette in September of 1996, Radiohead was sent the last half-hour of Baz Luhrmann's film William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and asked to write a song for the closing credits. Band members were impressed by the clip, and Thom wrote this song for the movie. At first he attempted to use lines from Shakespeare's play as lyrics, but finally ditched the idea.

The moment in the film when Claire Danes (Juliet) holds a Colt 45 to her head was the actual inspiration for "Exit Music." Thom also had the 1968 version of the film in his head: "I saw the Zeffirelli version when I was 13 and I cried my eyes out, because I couldn't understand why, the morning after they shagged, they didn't just run away. The song is written for two people who should run away before all the bad stuff starts. A personal song."

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[27 Dec 2006|12:07pm]
..my name is Tristan
and I am alive!

ajj.. gribējās ko uzrakstīt par pēdējiem mēnešiem.. par to kas noticies.. kas mainījies.. bet uz doto brīdi nav ne kripatas apcerīguma iekšā.. jo dotajā brīdī esmu neticami lielā mierā ar pasauli.. un ar visu kas notiekās.. jo zinu, ka ir iespējams viss.. ja vien ir vēlme iesākto turpināt... un vēlamo iesākt...

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[27 Dec 2006|12:40pm]
[ mood | atcerīgs ]
[ music | mofo - tavs radio melo ]

un vēl es jums visiem gribēju pastāstīt, ka ziemassvētkos jāju ar sniegbaltu zirgu!!!

wahauu, tas patiešām bija sajūsminoši!! :))

un satiku.. smukk kaķīti! ;)

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