..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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. . . [07 Jun 2005|11:35am]
[ mood | estētisks ]
[ music | Quantic - Trees and Seas ]

r ā m i ~ p ē t u ~ d z ī v i

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5 2 1 [07 Jun 2005|05:13pm]
[ mood | šodien esmu Mensons! ]
[ music | mm - five to one ]

neaizmirstat, bērni, klausīties Mensonu.. un šovakar skatīties The Doors pa LNT..

vai, arīdzen, klausaties The Doors un skataties Mensonu.. :) tā būs prātīgāk..

bet, atcerrieties.. ..no one here gets out alive..

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[ viewing | June 7th, 2005 ]
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