..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[15 Nov 2003|12:36pm]
[ mood | skumīgs ]
[ music | Baxter - Love Again ]

...es pamazām izdziestu...

15 comments|post comment

[15 Nov 2003|03:35pm]

I will do it again
I will capture my pride
I already lost it somehow
Im not strong enough now
To behave like this

What about if i fail
If i'm gonna be down
What i have to believe
I'm better off soon
I gotta wake up soon
I gotta see through this
I gotta wake up soon
Cuz what did i do wrong
Cuz i'm holding on
To someone who's gone
(gotta wake up soon
Gotta see through this)

I will do it again
I will catch up myself
I'm not sure i'll be back
I'm not strong enough now
To go on like this

I'll be there where i'm safe

[ viewing | November 15th, 2003 ]
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