..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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“I have a vision!” (c) Cecil B. Demented [13 Nov 2003|01:36pm]
[ mood | šāds/tāds ]
[ music | KeLLy GRRRL - Psycho Cotton Candy Girl ]

..ikvienai darbībai ..jau no paša sākuma ..vajag skaidri saskatīt galarezultātu vai vismaz vīziju... ja to nespēj.. tad nemaz nav vērts šim darbam ķerties klāt...

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[13 Nov 2003|01:59pm]
[ music | oasis - Color My Life ]

..YOU can colour my life
until it fits with your own...

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[ viewing | November 13th, 2003 ]
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