..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[10 Nov 2003|11:20am]
[ mood | neatmodies ]

..fade away
into dust again
and I will see
what I waaaaaaaant..

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..won't you believe it... It's just my luck... no recess.... :/ [10 Nov 2003|04:08pm]
[ mood | apņēmības pilns ]
[ music | Marilyn Manson - Better Of Two Evils ]

Tagad lielākā daļa laika un naudas būs jāvelta mācībām. bļe.

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[10 Nov 2003|05:10pm]

..it's not.. where you are going..
but how you get there ...

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[ viewing | November 10th, 2003 ]
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