..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[27 Oct 2003|10:32am]
[ mood | a lttle bit sad ]
[ music | Bush - Japanese Freight Train ]

..sestdien aizbraucu no Rīgas .. sniega nebija...
...šorīt atgriežoties TAADS pārsteigums...! ..sniegs tikpat daudz kā citur .. bet, viss izskatās nu tik burvīgi skaisti...

..kāds man paskaidros... kāpēc šorīt saulei bija it kā divi melni caurumi.. un izskatījās gluži kā poga... ? ;)

...ak jā ... un vakar tika atklāta snovošanas sezona... yeahhhhhhhhhhhh.......

and i said: And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun
My feet are burning and I grab into another world...

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..i'm addicted to you.. [27 Oct 2003|01:55pm]
[ mood | doomed ]
[ music | Bush - Jesus Online ]

Perfect black dress
Perfect grave
What can I say
What can I do
. . .
To be perfect just like you

[27 Oct 2003|07:29pm]
[ mood | noguris ]
[ music | Q.O.T.S.A.- Go Wth The Flow ]

..I want something good to die for
To make it beautiful to live..

c.m. - jau trešo dienu mans dvēseles stāvoklis...

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[ viewing | October 27th, 2003 ]
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