..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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auchhhhh [22 Apr 2003|08:50am]
[ mood | reibst galva ]
[ music | Placebo - Black Eyed (live@Route du Rock 2000) ]

with your feet in the air and your head on the ground
try this trick and spin it, yeah
your head will collapse
but there's nothing in it
and you'll ask yourself

where is my mind
where is my mind

where is my mind ....?

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? [22 Apr 2003|10:07am]
[ mood | derdzīgs ]
[ music | Slut - Easy To Love ]

ja ir problēma, vai vienmēr jāmeklē, kāds nebūt, risinājums...?

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+ [22 Apr 2003|10:20am]
ietekmējoties no LP vienas dziesmas nosaukuma...

..ir vieglāk bēgt, nekā risināt problēmas...
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wtf? [22 Apr 2003|04:05pm]
..jūtos resns ..reibst galva...

[tikai ne muļķīgus komentus, man šodien nenāk smiekli]
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......es eju maajaas [22 Apr 2003|08:02pm]

stuck between the do or die, i feel emaciated.
hard to breathe i try and try, i'll get asphyxiated.
swinging from the tallest height, with nothing left to hold on to

every sky is blue, but not for me and yuhuu

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[ viewing | April 22nd, 2003 ]
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