simpotnaya_deva's Journal
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Friday, January 23rd, 2009

    Time Event
    So I just finished with classes for the day. At 1:45 PM. Isn't that crazy? I am so used to Bradley going to school for hours on end. And I don't even have classes tomorrow! So I am officially done with classes until 12:15 PM on Thursday. This is very weird, but a nice change. All of my classes are in really old buildings around the city, so there is always a walk to it, but it's not a big deal. Today I had a European Business Environment class, so we are learning about the European Union and really fun stuff like that. Then I had Danish and my class is really fun and the professor rocks. Then I finished out my day with the Economic Theories of Globalization. That class will be hard because there are a lot of smart people spouting out things that they know. Like this guy from Harvard talking about the Chiquita banana tariffs in the 1990s. Yeah. I'll start studying now.Not really. We are gonna go walk around for awhile before I head home on the train. Then tomorrow we are walking around too. Because there are no classes. And tomorrow starts this whole culture fest in Copenhagen when there are dozens of free concerts. Who is pumped about this? Me.Laters.

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