simpotnaya_deva's Journal
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Sunday, January 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    Lots of memories...
    So this has been a very memorable day and I'll tell you why.1. I started my first unofficial day of classes with a Danish Language Crash Course just so we can start understanding this crazy language. So I am pronouncing all of my O's and OO's in a room of 20 students. Well, the part that makes this all hysterical is that the guy next to me is from Beijing. That's China for those of you that don't know that. So this Chinese guy is learning Danish next to me. Needless to say I was laughing for a bit of the time.2. We went to Linda's brother's house for dinner. OK, I walk in thinking, this is a very nice place. Then I notice in the living room is a widescreen plasma flat screen TV. Then I realized that this is the rich brother of the family. But their house is very nice and they are very nice too. It was a fun night of eating and talking and a nice walk around town.All in all, I am so glad I am here. It's a learning experience every moment and it's cool to hang out with my classmates too. However, I might not be saying that it's too fun when the actual work starts on Monday. Blah. Shout out to my Bradley peeps that start school tomorrow!Laters.

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