simpotnaya_deva's Journal
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Thursday, January 15th, 2009

    Time Event
    And the fun begins...
    So I finally decided to join the whole LJ world and sign up for a journal. My rationale is that I can detail what I do in Denmark so I will remember it and also allow people in America to see too.Yes, I am leaving for Denmark on Saturday. I am so pumped. I am so less nervous than I ever expected just because I know this will be a great experience for me. I feel like a freshman again, except I know no one. It's like I am actually going away to school instead of Bradley. Man am I pumped.I got an email from my host family yesterday and they are adorable. Mom, Dad and baby girl. How much fun will that be! And that way I don't have to cook for myself as much (thank god).So the Olympics have been consuming a lot of my life lately. I watch religiously. I was impressed that a lot of people on the speech team are really into it as well. I'm still not sure that I like Michael Phelps but I sure do love the Olympics. I feel like a loser because I am 20 now and do not have a medal around my neck. Michael Phelps has 5 now. Geez.So look forward to many more posts in the future!Denmark in 3 days!

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