08:53pm 12/03/2003
mood: thoughtful
music: Incubus-warning
I noticed you when the time was just right,
And I don`t know why,
I thought you`re so worth the fight,
But becouse of you I let my life past by...
I thought you`re the special-one in outer space,
But you`re not the only one in this place...
I was ready to let every one go - just for you!
I just wanted my dreams to come true,
But you just stood up and walked away
So there`s nothing left to say...
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09:01pm 12/03/2003
  It`s after twelve, can`t face the day yet
Reminds me how hadr it can be just to forget
I sayd things I didn`t mean
You saw things you shouldn`t have seen
Can`t take the sadness from your eyes
Can`t put the trugh back in my lies
Won`t stop and try to turn the clock back
I won`t beg, I`m not good at that
Too late to start and ackt like a saint
Can`t be something that I ain`t...