Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on August 30th, 2007 at 11:53 pm
eyebrow quotes
Jesus! Dienas citāts : "Teal’c just gave his friend a look. A look Vala knew well, it was the one that said ‘I don’t want to raise my eyebrow at you again, but I will if you make me’."

God help me :w00t: "He knew this, because during his brief time studying with Oma she always told him to look beyond. Well, he was looking beyond; he was looking so beyond that he could practically see Lantea on the other side of the galaxy."

/update #2
"“Teal’c?” He turned towards her raising his eyebrow in movement #41: I’m listening." ROFL

/update #3
"“We need to get that naquahdah.” Teal’c gave her eyebrow #36- ‘You’re kidding me, right?’" PLEASE be MERCEFUL!!!

all by isabelqc
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