Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on January 20th, 2007 at 09:20 pm
Marta, when you're head over heels, you are an Idealistic Romantic

The rituals of romance are important to you. And for that reason, if the object of your affections doesn't appreciate the value of things like red roses and candlelight dinners, they might not hold your interest for very long. However, you're not just looking for a thoughtful date who appreciates romantic gestures. You seek a deeper emotional bond.Once you find that special love, you'll probably be the first to declare that you're head-over-heels rather than hold back you're emotions. After all, what good is being in love if you can't share it?

Love does change you. Whether it simply enhances who you already are, or makes you a completely different person, finding someone whose love personality compliments your own makes for the longest, happiest relationships.

Marta, you're a Passionate Kisser

That's right, you've got all the moves. There's something about your approach to kissing that's natural, smooth, and ultimately, very charming. You know that to lure your mate you need to play the part — from knowing all the moves to looking pulled together — whatever that means for you.

Some may call you a player, but we know that all the flash and show with which you attract your dates is a cover for what you're really after — a terrific connection with someone who likes what you have to offer.

You're more confident than some when it comes to matters of the mouth, which is why you may be used to delivering seriously smoldering smooches. Just remember that while you're gooooood when you rely on your standbys, a little spontaneity might be even better.
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