Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on January 23rd, 2008 at 06:11 pm

Take this test!

Smart, driven, and the kind of girl that could be the star of any show, it's no surprise you lead the pack. Whether trying out a new hairstyle or mixing and matching your wardrobe, with a look and a lifestyle all your own, you're sure to inspire those around you. You're honest about what you want out of life — even when all you really want is the latest Balenciaga bag or a corner table in a hot new restaurant.

But your playful exterior doesn't fool everyone — deep inside you've got a lot on your mind and it shows. Standing by your friends, working hard, and always staying a step ahead (while, of course, doing it in Manolo Blahniks), isn't exactly easy. So now that everything else is in place, we couldn't help but wonder — is your next great romance right around the corner?

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