- maģisks laiks
- 31.1.05 19:12
Life. Mysterious life.
We're moving around, dancing the rythm om life.
Time. Mysterious time.
We're counting the hours and days to the end of our time.
And we're feeling the change and we don't know why,
choose one direction, just one for a time.
Don't say I'm thinking too much if you see what's behind.
And these are mysterious times...
Mysterious times...
For this moment I feel like we live in mysterious times...
If you see what's behind, these are mysterious times...Dzīve ir maģisks laiks. Nodzīvo tā, lai vecumdienās būtu ko atcerēties. Un nav jeģas besīties jo tā ir veltīga laika tērēšana
- Mūzika: Sash feat. Tina Cousins - Mysterious Times.mp3
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