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smthing smthing smthing [02 Feb 2008|10:53pm]
[ mood | iz nāis ]
[ music | tās pašas minētās ]

erin tobey- flotsam in the wake
jolie holland- spring time
jackson c. frank- dialogue
red hot chilly peppers- hey oh!(snow), my friends,
madonna- bedtime story, hey you!,

cat power; regina spector; the knife; defiance ohio; bonobo; declan de barra; clan zu; peaches; kimya dawson; animal collective(shortbus sndtr.); curse ov dialect; le tigre; dani siciliano; cocorosie

michael jackson- earth song; they don't care about us
paul baribeau- i thought i could find you
antsy pants-vampire
prodigy- smack by bitch up, voodoo people
against me- sink, florida, sink
{the crazy indian dance}

jāpieraksta, tā lai vieta galvā kam jauni dzirdētam, un neaizmirshanai.

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[ viewing | February 2nd, 2008 ]
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