Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003
bāc kas cilvēkiem darīt nav ko ??? tikai no visām malām dzirdu, ka es esot mauka, lētā k-kāda ... mhm protams !!! un tas viss aizgāja arī līdz viņam ... nēnu sorry ... man wnk patīk šitas ... kas skauž varbūt kādam k-kas ,,,, ??? zb ... tad pasakat man acīs nevis diršat aiz stūra ... sukas ...
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Your element is Air. You are an artistic person with a unique sense of style. You are intelligent; although prone to wonder in thought which, prevents you from paying full attention to most things, constantly active and most likely like to sing. Constantly moving the air is a force of nature. One moment you can be a breeze the next a tornado.
What's your element brought to you by Quizilla
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