saulpalampe - 25. Septembris 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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25. Septembris 2015

Kurš labākais tulks [25. Sep 2015|11:10]

Mani sauc par kāpostu galvu bumbu.
Es meklēju dzīves jēgu.
bet atrodu bērnus kāpostos
man ir savi principi un muļķība
Aprēķini patiesību
un izsmej neloģisko
Kāposts vienmēr nāks palīgā

(gribēju rakstit vienā vārdā kāpostgalvu,
bet tikai pragma atkoda, pārējiem bija jāatdala)


Call me cabbage head the ball.
I'm looking for the meaning of life.
but i find the babies come out of cabbages
i have my own principles and stupidity
The truth of the calculations
and mocks illogical
Cabbage will always help


My name is on the cabbage head the ball .
I am looking for the meaning of life .
but the child is cabbage
I have their principles and silliness
calculations truth
and deride illogical
Cabbage always come to the aid


I called the cabbage head ball.
I am looking for the meaning of life.
but in the children of the kāposto
I have my principles and stupidity
Calculate the truth
and mocks the logical not
Cabbage always come help

Pragma 6:

Call me for the ball of heads of cabbage.
I search life sense.
but I find children in cabbages
there are its principles and foolishness me
Calculate a true
and mockery illogical
A cabbage always will come for help
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