have you been pwned? |
[Mar. 25th, 2018|03:36 pm] |
internetā var nokačāt datubāzi ar e-pastiem un atšifrētām parolēm, kas sakompilētas no dažādām uzlauztām mājaslapām un servisiem. atradu starp tām arī savu veco paroli, ko mēdzu izmantot šitlapās.

ja atrodi sevi https://haveibeenpwned.com/, tad visdrīzāk esi šajā sarakstā. |
Comments: |
cita starpā, mana tur esošā parole bija arī pašreizējā sviesta cibas parole. not cool.
man tas pats, tāpēc paldies par info!
sc parole gan bija uz cita epasta, bet nu vienalga... scary
ja kāds vēlas redzēt savas paroles, atstājiet komentārā e-pastus. tās ir šādā formātā:
ir noplūduši šādi dati, bet parole datubāzē nav:
ai.type: In December 2017, the virtual keyboard application ai.type was found to have left a huge amount of data publicly facing in an unsecured MongoDB instance. Discovered by researchers at The Kromtech Security Center, the 577GB data set included extensive personal information including over 20 million unique email addresses, social media profiles and address book contacts. The email addresses alone were provided to HIBP to enable impacted users to assess their exposure.
Compromised data: Address book contacts, Apps installed on devices, Cellular network names, Dates of birth, Device information, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IMEI numbers, IMSI numbers, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Profile photos, Social media profiles
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/172002/367) | From: | darkz |
Date: | March 26th, 2018 - 01:03 pm |
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šitsaitu pw ir viens, bet gan jau arī mūsu abu cc dati ir kkur nopērkami, tas tak ir internets galugalā ept
![[User Picture]](http://klab.lv/userpic/172002/367) | From: | darkz |
Date: | March 26th, 2018 - 01:03 pm |
| | | (Link) |
bet vispār nostaļģijas pēc varētu paskatīties, varēji iemest linku :D | |