salonkrasybravo's Journal
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Monday, January 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    wanting the shoes and the superstar car wash
    What's new, what's new? Let's see then...The sounds of summer have been awfully loud today. Insanely loud, actually. Ear-spitting screams. Sure, he screams normally and all, that's expected with him, but it's more of an upset scream than a listen-to-me scream. Ack.I saw a Block Island Ferry commerical last night. I was in hysterics laughing so hard. My mom thought I was going insane.We found out the noise in our yard at night was not tree frogs, but katydids. Little green leaf-like grasshopper bugs. My dad went all 12-year-old-with-a-butterfly-net and caught one, and it's currently sitting in an old Dunkin Donuts plastic coffee cup with hay and oak leaves. We're going to let it go tonight.Dinner time. Salmon. Later.

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