enerģijas lādiņš +++

25th. Jan, 2014 | 12:22 pm
From:: safe

mmm, "Thievery Corporation" šodien ir the best of the best. Sākam ar "Until The Morning", turpinam ar "Sweet Tide" un pārējais jau plūst pats.. 

sajūta, kad enerģija plūst cauri ķermenim, mutuļo iekšā... 

There is no quidance in your kingdom
Your wicked walk in Babylon
There is no wisdom to your freedom
The richest man in babylon

Your beggars sleep outside your doorway
Your prophets leave to wonder on
You fall asleep at night with worry
The saddest man in Babylon

(Thievery Corporation - The Richest Man In Babylon)

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