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Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

    Time Event
    ok. skola tūlīt beidzas, beidzot,bet tika paliek tikai tas po, galvenais pabeigt shuci un tītie nahuj, pazust, varbūt...hmmm, laba doma. Varētu vasarā aizbraukt uz kaut kurieni..yeah i should do that :))))
    HMm, kas vēl tāds interesnats...a,jā fiška, kas man ātri jānokārto, lai varētu beidzot normāli sākt dzīvot.. a tagad var rasties jatājums: KAS IR NORMĀls???
    Opaa, labs jautājums, a definēt to būs grūti...pizdjets, atkla sāku pīties savās domās....FuCKK!!!!!
    Oh, fuck it, nevaru izdomāt, varbūt vēlāk sevi paturpināšu, maybe, maybe not

    Current Mood: oki doki, kind of
    Current Music: CrazYtoWn ChAnGe
    Bljad šitais ir labais
    Alone without a care
    Things that I can't bear

    Did you think it's cool
    To walk right up
    And take my life
    And fuck it up
    Well did you?

    I see hell in your eyes
    Taken in by surprise
    Touching you makes me feel alive
    Touching you makes me die inside

    Walking Waiting
    Alone without a care
    Things that I can't bear

    Did you think it's cool
    To walk right up
    And take my life
    And fuck it up
    Well did you?

    I hate you

    I see hell in your eyes
    Taken in by surprise
    Touching you makes me feel alive
    Touching you makes me die inside

    I've slept so long without you
    It's tearing me apart too
    How'd it get this far
    Playing games with this old heart
    I've killed a million petty souls
    But I couldn't kill you

    I've slept so long without you
    I see hell in your eyes
    Taken in by surprise
    Touching you makes me feel alive
    Touching you made me die inside.

    Current Music: Jay Gordon Of Orgy - Slept so long

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