MelDinSh's Journal
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Monday, April 14th, 2003

    Time Event
    moody moody, whatever
    i sit in my room and think
    think think think
    i see people around me
    that care about me
    and love me...
    but not always i can feel it,
    sometimes all i see is pain and suffering,God, why i always come to the conclusion, that the base of life is pain and suffering.... i`m sick of those words, sick, sick, sick......pain, suffering leads to death, death, hmm, to what death? the daeth of the humanity.. is that the conclusion??????Do i hope for it? actually, i don`t know.... i don`t know anythig, i can`t make up my mind about anything, i`m just not sure i can make the right decision.....Jesus,i`m scaring myself............ i think i know the answear to one of my questions, i`m scared of what i can do, if i let my emotions slip put of control, yeah, that`s the answear.

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