rubberwolfboy's Journal
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Monday, January 4th, 2010

    Time Event
    yayyy for youth sunday
    yayyy for youth sunday. boo for forgetting my camera. silly me. we'll have the group pictures i suppose though. ho hum. good times. randomly had to do time with the children which was so are you guys doing something nice for your moms today?some kid: we're letting her choose her favorite restaurant for dinnerme: oh that's nice of you, is anyone doing something for their mom?other kid: i gave my mom a tape recording of my voiceme: oh, cool! ?youth group is loveeee <3 sam's sermon made me cry without actually saying anything that should make me cry. i just did. i'm so proud of her <3.i do not want to wait for yakivegas. i want to go now. and i want stupid boys like bandy and winston who are like "mehhhh i dunno if i can go" to go. sillies.

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