rubberwolfboy's Journal
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Monday, January 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    oh mygosh
    oh mygosh. the play was so amazing. ah i love it. i mean...not the play itself cause i didn't really watch much of it, but just being there was great. i can't really think of everything that was perfect tonight, but it was wonderful and our set was so perfect. i'm so amazed at how well it turned out. we all got to sit backstage and do homework and talk and stuff and it was good. i'm running out of adjectives hahaha. we bitched about people and actors and all those great things. and we made terrific plans for ruining the cast party (not really) and having our own backstage party. and me and scott and roza might (hopefully) go skiing at crystal cause apparently scott has a bunch of free passes. and alvina and chelsea can come maybe...cause they're snowboarders. rawr <3. of course they can come. and ski bus came back while we were there so we went out and i wore my faerie wings and pranced around and then...jimmy? or some one told me denny and i had sex. rotf yah right. but i was like "so denny. did you lose anything tonight?" and he's like "uhh -confused- what?" me: "like...your virginity?" then he got really mad but hopefully not actually and i said NO DENNY I'M SORRY I LOVE YOU and and we all told funny stories about how people we're with or people we see skiing/snowboarding act stupid. haha. so everything was awesome except i felt bad that behzod was interrogating roza about aaron =( i think she didn't want to talk about it? aw. anyways...i must go to bed. i want to talk to ann. she wasn't at youth group last week and i was sad. ;/ maybe i can see her this weekend <3 but...sometime this week at school anna randomly came up to me and said "lissa, are you genuinely happy?" and i didn't even have to think i just said "lately, yes" honestly i'm really happy. i'm going to be so soo sooo sad next year when all the seniors are gone. scott and roza in particular but a lot of other people too. and to top it all off i find out josie might be moving to california this summer? i have no idea. it seems like if they were moving in a couple months they would have decided already. i hope i'm not worrying my ass off about this like the "i think i'm dying" episode. i was honestly scared to death about that. but enough with my troubles. today was fun fun fun and scott drove me home instead of brent's mom (which was awkward anyway cause i don't really know brent or her) and his music was too loud but after turning it down i was lectured on the rules of scott's car: 1. dont' touch the fuzzy dice2. don't mess with the stereo3. wear the subaru shoulder seatbelt pad thing (and this "isn't really a rule, but more just something you have to do because if you don't you'll go to hell. but it's okay because you didn't know!" haha) oh darnit i forgot i drank caffeinated tea so i'm not tired. ick.

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