07 February 2008 @ 05:07 pm
So nice so smart  
šodien es visu dienu dungoju šo dziesmiņu, beigās pielipināju daudziem citiem.
noskatooties filmu Juno es novilku tas OST un sapratu, ka Kimya Dawson ir sasodīti laba.
Man vismaz patīk.
It ipashi man aptik kā pēdējie divi pantiņi savijas kopā.

I was quiet as a mouse
When I snuck into your house
And took roofies with your spouse
In a nit, and out a louse

And lice are lousy all the time
They suck your blood drink your wine
Say "Shut up and quit your crying
Give it time and you'll be fine,"

You're so nice and you're so smart
You're such a good friend, I have to break your heart
Tell you that I love you then I'll tear your world apart
Just pretend I didn't tear your world apart

I like boys with strong convictions
And convicts with perfect diction
Underdogs with good intentions
Amputees with stamp collections
Plywood skinboards ride the ocean
Salty noses, suntan lotion
Always seriously joking
And rambunctiously soft-spoken

I like boys that like their mothers
And I have a thing for brothers
But they always wait till we're under the covers
To say "I'm sure glad we're not lovers,"

You're so nice and you're so smart
You're such a good friend, I have to break your heart
Tell you that I love you then I'll tear your world apart
Just pretend I didn't tear your world apart

I like my new bunny suit
I like my new bunny suit
I like my new bunny suit
When I wear it, I feel cute
ausīs dun: Kimya Dawson-so nice so smart
07 February 2008 @ 10:53 pm
es gandrīz sāku smieties paniski pie zobārsta, kad man tieši urba.
manī ievadīja narkozi tik daudz, ka es nejutu savu degunu.
es elpoju, bet to nejutu.
ta bija creepy sajūta.
skaņas duadzas man atgādināja nedaudz formulas,tad man bija sajūta, ka mani zobi ir tāfele.
un manās sprauda koka tapas, kas izskatījas minimalizēti kociņi, ar ko dur nost vampīrus, es tikai kā jau muļļa aizmirsu kā tos kokus sauca.
ausīs dun: The weepies-painting by changall