Zemapziņas atvars - December 10th, 2022 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Alchemy of Pain

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December 10th, 2022

[Dec. 10th, 2022|11:21 am]
"The Body and the Heart have no desire to "witness" the moment.
The Body and the Heart have no need to detach from this world.
The Body and the Heart Rejoice in their entanglements with life.
For they long to be touched and tasted and known.
They were made to suck the marrow straight from the bone.
The Body and the Heart don't want to observe the moment.
The Body and the Heart want to Make Love to the moment.
With Total Passion and
Absolute Innocence.
In whole hearted devotion to the sensuality of the moment.
Communing with the sacred core of light that pulses inside the heart of matter.
This is the Art of Receiving.
And it is how we sing the soul back into the world."
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Erosa Templis [Dec. 10th, 2022|12:12 pm]
Cik ilgi stāvēsi pie Erosa tempļa durvīm šķīstot kaislē un iekārē?
Cik ilgi Tev vajadzēs, lai attaptos, ka tā ir tikai pakāje, pats templis ir dziļāk, dziļāk Tevī pašā. Kur aiz iekāres un baudas, orgasmu - durvīm paverās Tavs klusums un esence..
Uzdrošinies. Uzdrošinies sastapties ar savu klusumu un savu patieso tumsu..
Bet varbūt Tu metīsies bēgt prom no savas patiesības, lai pavadītu mūžības, sildoties pie visrpusējas kaisles..? Lecot no viena iekāres objekta pie cita.. nekad nesastopt pats sevi, savu esences tumsu un to otru, kas tik ļoti alkst tikt atklāta..
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