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Monday, April 7th, 2008

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    Esmu aizrāvies ar grāmatām no autoriem Jack Kerouac un Irvine Welsh.

    Tiko pabeidzu Irvine Welsh "Porno". Sajusminaja:

    … we need tits and arse because they have got to be available to us; to be pawed, fucked, wanked over. Because we’re men? No. Because we’re consumers. Because those are things we like, things we intrinsically feel or have been conned into believing will give us value, release satisfaction. We value them so we need to at least have the illusion of their availability. For tits and arse read coke, crisps, speedboats, cars, houses, computers, designer labels, replica shirts. That’s why advertising and pornography are similar; they sell the illusion of availability and the non-consequence of consumption.

    Lielos vilcienos ta ir.

    Current Music: The Teenagers, Los Campesinos!, Interpol

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