
Recent Entries

11/29/23 01:00 am

Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps, a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, revealed Department of Defense data indicating a significant rise in heart-related issues among military pilots following COVID-19 vaccination.

a dramatic increase in various heart-related ailments among fixed-wing and helicopter pilots. The figures show surges in conditions like hypertensive disease (36%), ischemic heart disease (69%), pulmonary heart disease (62%), heart failure (973%), other forms of heart disease (63%), and cardiomyopathy (152%) compared to the five-year average prior to 2022.

Paldies par jūsu voluntāro upuri Tēvzemes, Brīvības un Pfizer labā.

#jā-bet #jobanais-kovids #10x #no-refunds

11/28/23 03:45 am

lifehacks: ja tabureti apgriež kājām gaisā, var vienlaicīgi apsēdināt četrus lifehackerus

11/28/23 01:22 am

> Re, kur ir divi DIY video, bet jūs man varat samaksāt piečuku, un es, priekš īpaši debīliem, parādīšu to pašu dzīvajā.

#mana-diy-skoliņa #mana-yt-skoliņa #mana-kopīpeist-skoliņa #mana-aliekspress-bodīte

11/27/23 04:26 pm

humānais kaķu vegānisms

11/27/23 04:18 pm

Prikolo šitie bābieši (ar dzemdi vai bez), kuriem vienīgā vara un dūša ir likt kaķim būt par vegānu.


11/27/23 03:22 pm

Confirmed: mindbound kakā caur mazmājiņas durvju sirsniņu.

#rēcu-nevaru #par-savu-joku

11/27/23 03:37 am

Es esmu 100% pārliecināts, ja zivim būtu nauda un man vajadzētu naudu, viņš man pārskaitītu. Es esmu 100% par to pārliecināts.


11/27/23 03:33 am

Ak, Kristiāna, manu rupucīti!

11/27/23 01:47 am

My children and grandchildren did not take them but lost 1 40yo cousin to heart attack at stop sign and my 10yo nephew was in the Minnesota Best Jr Hockey League ranked like 3rd in the state as a player. He fucking loved that shit and played amazingly for a kid. Mom(SIL) demanded and Dad(Brother) would not stand up for his son or daughters and today after 10 months in the Hospital and 1 year of home care he tried playing hockey and was out of breath after one pass down the ice, his heart is destroyed at 10YO. The SIL wont admit her son was damaged by those shots...Her parents are both liberal Professors at Wisconsin Milwaukee college.

#jobanās-anekdotes #ai-ģenerētas #visādi-izskaidrojumi #viena-tante-teica-par-kovidu

11/27/23 12:55 am

Nez cik turās temperatūra ar IgG4? Kad esi ķipa slims, bet organisms atsakās cīnīties.

#pēc-3-potes #pohuj #zajebal #necīnīšos-ja-špricēsi-to-suslu

11/26/23 10:27 am

people of uterus VS people of color

11/26/23 04:39 am

> Hereby, the Republic of Estonia, based on Article 22 of the Statute of the World Health Organisation, declares that it rejects and does not consent to the international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response as well as complementary amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and to improving the sustainability of WHO funding.

11/26/23 03:05 am

nākošā beidzot nostrādās

11/25/23 10:20 pm

> Tu neesi nekas, ja tu nereklamē čipsus.

11/25/23 06:01 pm

2006. gada OG trans"fobija" ir tikai ievadnarkotika. Nākamā atmodas atklāsme rindas kārtībā būs par Breiviku.

#rabbit-hole #brūnie #multikulturālisms-for-thee #hujiskriminācija

11/25/23 04:30 pm

Es esmu haštaga "koronavīruss" eksperts.



11/25/23 11:43 am

Kā es to redzu - tāpēc, ka NATO iespītējās un nepiekāpās buferzonai, tika papistas dzīvības un miljardi.

Vai buferzona ir slikti?

Iedomājies, kaimiņš tev saka: "nestādi ozolu 10cm no mana žoga", un tu atbildi: "kaut nošauj manu dēlu, bet stādīšu".

#prioritātes #tu-neesi-klubā #tanku-gaļa #organizāciju-intereses

11/25/23 11:25 am

Germany and the US will put pressure on Ukraine to negotiate with Russia by scaling back weapons deliveries in what would be a major blow to Kyiv’s hopes of victory.

Kas notika?

Vai krievi ies līdz Kiiivai?

Russia tells NATO it wants its buffers. Dec 17, 2021

#how-it-started #how-it's-going

11/25/23 10:26 am

Ja ne par migrēnu, tad par sprandas un muguras sāpēm runājot:

a senior manager at Oxford University, was putting on a brave face.

“Fun fact,” she posted on Instagram. “I am now a vaccine statistic! My neck pain and back pain over the last week or so was in fact masking ... a blood clot (or two, they are still doing scans) resulting from my AZ vaccine a few weeks ago

“But the good news is that I have a correct diagnosis and am in the right place to get better. God bless the NHS!! And everyone. I would still recommend the AZ vaccine. I am an anomaly! An absolute outlier statistically.”

Two days after that post, Nicola suffered a catastrophic bleed on the brain that killed her.

#God-bless #nv-dienestu #spk-centru #zv-aģentūru

11/25/23 03:50 am

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