perfect imperfection
perfect imperfection
May 9th, 2003
- 5/9/03 03:51 pm
- mmmmmm... kvass ar ledu :DDD dzeru un priecaajos. superiiga diena, tikai soliija lietu vakaraa... hehz. soliic makaa nekriit.
shodien pastaigaajos pa pilseetu. izteereeju kaut kur 23 Ls. nopirku jaunas džinas pa 14.50 Ls un nopirku divas grāmatas: Latvijas vēsture un Tiesību pamati. domāju izlasīt, jo vajag zināt kaut kādu backgroundu, ja grib stāties juristos.
/me visus mīļi apkampju un dodos tālāk savās gaitās
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- 5/9/03 04:13 pm
// fight club
Every time the plane banked too sharply on take-off or landing, I prayed for a crash, or a mid-air collision -- anything.
Jack's face remains bland during the following: the plane BUCKLES -- the cabin wobbles. People panic. Masks drop. The side of plane SHEARS OFF! Screaming PASSENGERS are sucked out into the night air, flying past the quivering wind. Magazines and other objects fly everywhere.
Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip.
Jack remains in his same position, same bland expression
I suppose these things happen
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