- sql ibio
- 8/8/07 11:32 pm
select i.id,i.unititle,i.lvtitle,i.entitle,i.ru
title,i.price,i.discount,i.percent,i.new price,i.shoppicture,s.itemlogo from items i, shops s, sizes u where i.gender='ladies' and i.shopid=s.id and i.id=u.itemid and i.category IN (10,11,12,1) and i.status=1 and ((realprice>=80 and realprice<=100) or (realprice>=100 and realprice<=120) or (realprice>=120 and realprice<=140) )and (brand=18 or brand=16 or brand=2 or brand=15 or brand=7)and ((u.sizetype='top' and u.sizes LIKE '%,L,%') or (u.sizetype='waist' and u.sizes LIKE '%,33,%') or (u.sizetype='waist' and u.sizes LIKE '%,34,%') or (u.sizetype='waist' and u.sizes LIKE '%,38,%') or (u.sizetype='waist' and u.sizes LIKE '%,40,%') ) order by i.id desc limit 0,18;
njaa pirmo reizi naakas dziivee dinamiski gjenereet taadus triisstaaviigus kverijus. oh well, bet straadaa :)