HAOSS - August 26th, 2004
August 26th, 2004
- 8/26/04 10:13 pm
- mans trešais dzejolis angļu mēlē...pirmie divi arī tiks ielikti dienasgrāmatā. Pie viņiem vēl nedaudz japiestrādā.
„what for”
human nature, what is this game for
is it the biggest failure of the God or
chance to prove the mission of our planet
by giving all the best with flaming passion
mankind, what is this game for
is it mistake of the universe or
chance to built indestructible conviction
by giving all the best with hate and agression
relationships, what is this game for
is it the theater or
taste of ridiculous reality
full of sorrow and naivate
progression, what is this game for
to reach new degree of annihilation or
is it aim of better human live
by giving more beauty art and love
man neliels apdullums, nosvinējām drauga dzimšanas dienu Līvu akvaparkā...ūdens mani padara...apdullušu.
Šovakar bija mana trešā ģitār nodarbība ;)...garais ceļš ir sākts.
Current Music: Steve Vai
Current Mood: apdullis
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